BGL launches new digital claims model for Markerstudy Group

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  • Industry first will see BGL managing the full First Notification of Loss (FNOL) process for both fault and non-fault accidents for Zenith Direct and Geoffrey Insurance customers, as well as BGL’s customers whose policies are written through Markerstudy Group

As part of its ongoing investment into claims, BGL Group has today announced the launch of a new, industry leading, digital claims management model. Developed in conjunction with insurer partner, Markerstudy Group, the new claims platform will, for the first time, allow customers of both fault and non-fault accidents to be managed seamlessly. Traditionally, when a policyholder makes a claim, if the incident is a fault claim, they would be immediately passed to their underwriter. However, now, regardless of fault, the entire First Notification of Loss (FNOL) claims journey will be managed by BGL, speeding up the process while significantly improving the customer experience.

A trial of the new approach at the end of last year saw NPS and customer satisfaction scores double. Initially, the new claims model will be implemented for Markerstudy direct brands, Zenith Direct and Geoffrey Insurance, as well as BGL’s customers whose policies are written through Markerstudy Group. The significant investment into the new model will involve digitising the process, with BGL managing live data updates for the insurance provider, as well as Markerstudy keeping customers updated on how their claim is progressing post FNOL.

Mark Townsend, Managing Director of BGL’s Motor and Home insurance, said: “The claims experience is often the element that makes or breaks a customer’s perception of their insurance brand and because historically, there were often a large number of parties involved in the reporting of a claim, it could often lead to a confusing and negative experience. The claims model in the UK is ripe for disruption and has needed revolutionising for some time. Therefore, the significant investment we have made in this area, will allow for a much-improved customer experience, as well as simplifying the entire process for other commercial stakeholders, such as repair garages and car rental partners.”

Steve Cross, Group Head of Claims at Markerstudy Group, added: “We are pleased to be working with BGL to introduce a much-improved experience for all customers when reporting a claim; not only reducing friction in the process but also taking away a lot of the repetition that customers experience.”

The next phase of the investment by BGL will see the new claims model rolled-out to other insurer partners over the next 12 months, with digital capability and customer experience at the centre.

Mark Townsend added: “The insurance industry is entering a point in time where significant market changes mean that intermediaries and insurers must work harder than ever for customers. Most people hope they will not have to use their insurance but it’s at the claims stage when a brand has the opportunity to demonstrate its worth. With customer expectations never higher, it’s vital that claims processes are operating in the most efficient way for the benefit of all.”